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Quantity in stock: 1

An old acquaintance which does also in our climate well and is for this reason still very popular.

Sales price 5,14 €

It has been already a couple of years ago since this beautiful hybrid came on the market and by a number of positive properties is still very wanted. Beautiful clear and large flowers of 10 cm (4 inch) and also reasonable frost resistant. Although it is advisable to protect the root system against frost in the winter with some organic material. Is is a pitty that the plant carries a latent virus which especially shows itself in the resting period (little grow and flurishing). As it starts growing again, the leaves will become greener and will look healthier. So please don't think it's a lack of feeding. Minimum temperature: -8° C (18° F).

We sell passion flowers all year through. In case several species are not on stock, you can inform us in which passion flowers you are interested by using the "notify me" button. We can check that way quite easily; in which passiflora's people are interested and fine-tune our creation of young plants according to this. You will also receive automatically an email, when the young plants are ready for sale and we have added them to our stock. Please note, that this is not a presales system, you still need to order the passion flowers which are added to our stock, through our web shop. We don't ship Passion Flowers during frost periods, we ask for you understanding regarding this and to take this in account whenever you place an order.